Sunday, February 16, 2020

Python String split() Method

If you want to split a String in Python that can be done using split() method. Python split() method returns a list of the words in the string, using specified separator as the delimiter, whitespaces are used a separator by default.

split() method syntax

str.split(separator, maxsplit)

Both of the parameters are optional.

separator is the delimiter for splitting a String. If separator is not specified then whitespace is used as separator by default.

maxsplit- Parameter maxsplit specifies the maximum number of splits that are done. If maxsplit is not specified or -1, then there is no limit on the number of splits.

There is also rsplit() method in Python which is similar to split() except for the maxsplit. In case maxsplit is specified in rsplit() method maxsplit splits are done from the rightmost side.

Python split() method examples

1. Using the split method with default parameters (not passing any parameter explicitly).

s = "This is a    test   String"
#break String on spaces
list = s.split()


['This', 'is', 'a', 'test', 'String']

Since no parameter is passed with split() method so whitespace is used as separator. Note that runs of consecutive whitespace are regarded as a single separator when default is used.

2. Split string on comma (,) or pipe symbol (|).

s = "Chicago,Los Angeles,Seattle,Austin"
#break String on ,
list = s.split(',')

s = "Chicago|Los Angeles|Seattle|Austin"
#break String on |
list = s.split('|')


['Chicago', 'Los Angeles', 'Seattle', 'Austin']
['Chicago', 'Los Angeles', 'Seattle', 'Austin']

3. Split string on backslash (\) symbol. With backslash it is better to use escape sequence (\\).

s = "c:\\users\\netjs\\python"
#break String on ,
list = s.split('\\')


['c:', 'users', 'netjs', 'python']

4. Limiting the splits using maxsplit parameter. Here split is done for max 2 items.

s = "Chicago|Los Angeles|Seattle|Austin"
#break String on |
list = s.split('|', 2)


['Chicago', 'Los Angeles', 'Seattle|Austin']

5. Using rsplit() method.

s = "Chicago|Los Angeles|Seattle|Austin"
#break String on |
list = s.rsplit('|', 2)


['Chicago|Los Angeles', 'Seattle', 'Austin']

That's all for this topic Python String split() Method. If you have any doubt or any suggestions to make please drop a comment. Thanks!

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