Saturday, April 23, 2022

How to Inject Null And Empty String Values in Spring

This post shows how you can inject null or empty String as a value for any property in Spring framework.

Injecting empty string

If you are trying to inject an empty string as a value for any property in Spring then you can just pass "" as a value for that property.

As example

If you have an Employee class with name as field. Then you can use "" for name property.

If passed as a constructor argument then the configuration is as given below-

<bean id="employeeBean" class="org.netjs.exp.Spring_Example.Employee">
  <constructor-arg name="name" value="" />        

If passed as property then the configuration is as given below-

<bean id="employeeBean" class="org.netjs.exp.Spring_Example.Employee">
  <property name="name" value=""/>      

Injecting null

If you need to inject null value for any field in Spring then use the special <null/> element for it, don’t use value=”null” because that will pass "null" as a String value.

So don’t do this-

<bean id="employeeBean" class="org.netjs.exp.Spring_Example.Employee">
  <constructor-arg name="name" value="null" />   

Use <null/> element instead in your Spring configuration.

<bean id="employeeBean" class="org.netjs.exp.Spring_Example.Employee">
  <constructor-arg name="name">

If passed as setter property-

<bean id="employeeBean" class="org.netjs.exp.Spring_Example.Employee">
  <property name="name"><null/></property>

That's all for this topic How to Inject Null And Empty String Values in Spring. If you have any doubt or any suggestions to make please drop a comment. Thanks!

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