Saturday, January 8, 2022

Equality And Relational Operators in Java

The equality and relational operators evaluate the relationship between the values of the operands. These operators determine if one operand is greater than, less than, equal to, or not equal to another operand.

The equality and relational operators generate a boolean result. If the relationship is true then the result is true if relationship is untrue the result is false.

Equality and Relational operators in Java

Operator Description
==equal to
!=not equal to
>greater than
>=greater than or equal to
<less than
<=less than or equal to

Note that you must use "==" when testing two primitive values for equality, not "=" which is assignment operator.

Java equality and relational operators example

Following example shows the Java equality and relational operators in action.

public class RelationalDemo {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    int a = 7;
    int b = 5;
    int c = 7;
    // This should get printed
    if(a == c){
      System.out.println("Values of a and c are equal");
    // This won't be printed
    if(a == b){
      System.out.println("Values of a and b are equal");
    if(a != b){
      System.out.println("Values of and b are not equal");
    if(a > b){
      System.out.println("a is greater than b");
    if(a >= c){
      System.out.println("a is greater than or equal to c");
    // This won't be printed
    if(a < b){
      System.out.println("a is less than b");
    if(b < a){
      System.out.println("b is less than a");


Values of a and c are equal
Values of and b are not equal
a is greater than b
a is greater than or equal to c
b is less than a

That's all for this topic Equality And Relational Operators in Java. If you have any doubt or any suggestions to make please drop a comment. Thanks!

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