In the post How to sort ArrayList in Java you have already seen how to sort an ArrayList of Strings, Integers or Dates. In this post we'll see how to sort an ArrayList of custom objects in Java.
In order to sort an ArrayList of objects you can use sort() method provided by the Collections class, which takes List as an argument. Note that there are two overloaded variants of the sort() method.
- sort(List<T> list)- If you are using this method to sort ArrayList of objects, the class whose objects are stored in the List should implement Comparable interface. If the class whose objects are stored in the List doesn’t implement the Comparable interface and you pass that list as an argument in sort(List<T> list) method that will result in compile time error. See example.
- sort(List<T> list, Comparator<? super T> c)- This is another overloaded sort() method where you can pass your own Comparator along with the List that has to be sorted. See example.
Let’s see examples using both Comparable and Comparator interfaces to sort ArrayList of objects in Java.
Sorting ArrayList containing custom objects using Comparable
Let's say you have an Employee class. Objects of this Employee class are stored in an ArrayList and you want to sort it on both first name and last name.
public class Employee implements Comparable<Employee> { private String lastName; private String firstName; private String empId; private int age; public String getLastName() { return lastName; } public void setLastName(String lastName) { this.lastName = lastName; } public String getFirstName() { return firstName; } public void setFirstName(String firstName) { this.firstName = firstName; } public String getEmpId() { return empId; } public void setEmpId(String empId) { this.empId = empId; } public int getAge() { return age; } public void setAge(int age) { this.age = age; } @Override public String toString() { return getFirstName() + " " + getLastName() + " " + getAge() + " " + getEmpId(); } @Override public int compareTo(Employee o) { int firstCmp = this.getFirstName().compareTo(o.getFirstName()); return firstCmp != 0 ? firstCmp : this.getLastName().compareTo(o.getLastName()); } }Class where sorting of the list will be done.
public class SortObjectList { public static void main(String[] args) { List<Employee> empList = new ArrayList<Employee>(); // Storing elements in the arraylist empList.add(getData("E001", "Mishra", "Pyaremohan", 35)); empList.add(getData("E002", "Smith", "John", 45)); empList.add(getData("E003", "Sharma", "Ram", 23)); empList.add(getData("E004", "Mishra", "Pyaremohan", 60)); empList.add(getData("E005", "Caroll", "Eva", 32)); empList.add(getData("E003", "Tiwari", "Ram", 23)); System.out.println("Original List"); for(Employee emp : empList){ System.out.println("" + emp); } // Sorting the list Collections.sort(empList); System.out.println("Sorted List"); for(Employee emp : empList){ System.out.println("" + emp); } } // Stub method private static Employee getData(String empId, String lastName, String firstName, int age){ Employee employee = new Employee(); employee.setEmpId(empId); employee.setLastName(lastName); employee.setFirstName(firstName); employee.setAge(age); return employee; } }
Original List Pyaremohan Mishra 35 E001 John Smith 45 E002 Ram Sharma 23 E003 Pyaremohan Mishra 60 E004 Eva Caroll 32 E005 Ram Tiwari 23 E003 Sorted List Eva Caroll 32 E005 John Smith 45 E002 Pyaremohan Mishra 35 E001 Pyaremohan Mishra 60 E004 Ram Sharma 23 E003 Ram Tiwari 23 E003
Some of the points to note about this program are-
- Employee class whose objects are stored in the ArrayList implements the Comparable interface and provides implementation of the compareTo() method.
- compareTo() method implementation provides logic for elements ordering.
- Collections.sort() method is used to sort the List.
Sorting ArrayList containing custom objects using Comparator
In the above example Employee class implements the compareTo() method, where first name takes precedence over last name. So this is the natural ordering for sorting the Employee class objects.
Now in case you want to sort using the following order-
If names are same, they are sorted on the basis of age in descending order.
If you have to sort using this rule you can’t use the already implemented compareTo() method of the Employee class. Other scenario is what if you want to sort some objects that don't implement Comparable?
To sort an ArrayList of objects in Java using any of the above mentioned scenarios, you'll need to provide a Comparator. An object of Comparator class is passed as a parameter in sort() method, this Comparator class object encapsulates an ordering.
Comparator interface consists of a single method compare().
public interface Comparator<T> { int compare(T o1, T o2); }
The compare method compares its two arguments, returning a negative integer, 0, or a positive integer depending on whether the first argument is less than, equal to, or greater than the second. If either of the arguments has an inappropriate type for the Comparator, the compare method throws a ClassCastException.
So the case where sorting logic is - if names are same, they are sorted on the basis of age in descending order you have to write a comparator class which will implement Comparator interface and provide implementation for the compare method. You will also have to use that variant of the sort() method where you can pass Comparator.
public class SortObjectList { public static void main(String[] args) { List<Employee> empList = new ArrayList<Employee>(); // Storing elements in the arraylist empList.add(getData("E001", "Mishra", "Pyaremohan", 35)); empList.add(getData("E002", "Smith", "John", 45)); empList.add(getData("E003", "Sharma", "Ram", 23)); empList.add(getData("E004", "Mishra", "Pyaremohan", 60)); empList.add(getData("E005", "Caroll", "Eva", 32)); empList.add(getData("E003", "Tiwari", "Ram", 23)); System.out.println("Original List"); for(Employee emp : empList){ System.out.println("" + emp); } // Sorting the list Collections.sort(empList, new MyComparator()); System.out.println("Sorted List"); for(Employee emp : empList){ System.out.println("" + emp); } } // Stub method private static Employee getData(String empId, String lastName, String firstName, int age){ Employee employee = new Employee(); employee.setEmpId(empId); employee.setLastName(lastName); employee.setFirstName(firstName); employee.setAge(age); return employee; } } class MyComparator implements Comparator<Employee>{ @Override public int compare(Employee o1, Employee o2) { int firstCmp = o1.getFirstName().compareTo(o2.getFirstName()); if(firstCmp == 0){ int lastCmp = o1.getLastName().compareTo(o2.getLastName()); if(lastCmp == 0){ return (o2.getAge() < o1.getAge() ? -1 : (o2.getAge() == o1.getAge() ? 0 : 1)); }else{ return lastCmp; } }else{ return firstCmp; } } }
Original List Pyaremohan Mishra 35 E001 John Smith 45 E002 Ram Sharma 23 E003 Pyaremohan Mishra 60 E004 Eva Caroll 32 E005 Ram Tiwari 23 E003 Sorted List Eva Caroll 32 E005 John Smith 45 E002 Pyaremohan Mishra 60 E004 Pyaremohan Mishra 35 E001 Ram Sharma 23 E003 Ram Tiwari 23 E003
Here it can be seen that the name which is same is sorted by age in descending order. The logic for sorting is in the compare() method.
- To see how to implement Comparator using Lambda expression refer Lambda expression examples post Lambda expression examples in Java 8
That's all for this topic How to Sort ArrayList of Custom Objects in Java. If you have any doubt or any suggestions to make please drop a comment. Thanks!
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